NWBAS - Identity
The Problem: Create an identity for North West Beer Appreciation Society (NWBAS), a Facebook group devised for the discussion, review and note comparing of drinking, brewing and enjoying craft beer. The brief from group co-founder Chris Griffiths was simply ‘something cool involving hops’.
The Solution: Started during Lockdown #1 the NWBAS group ended up offering a healthier way of dealing with lockdown than simply just enjoying a few beers while stuck at home. Friendships were formed and people’s mental health was lifted. I decided to lean into this by developing a badge style logo for the group. This was appropriate for several reasons; it worked at the small sizes required for social media icons. It was had a feel of vintage beer labels, or workers clubs insignia. And finally it worked as a badge to identify the group and it’s members. It instilled feelings of belonging and pride.
The badge itself was designed with a hop at it’s centre; the main focus of the group. This was then enclosed by type in a circular formation; The initials arched over the top, as this had become how people mainly referred to the group, and then the full name of North West Beer Appreciation Society arched around the lower part of the circle.
The logo was well received, so much so in fact that this led to me managing a t-shirt run for the group. Over 60 shirts were pre-ordered, and I paired this with a set of badges. Members of the group were keen to show off their shirts, and photos proudly emerged! When lockdown was finally over in the Summer, there was the first NWBAS meet-up. An event where everyone was finally able to go for a pint together, a swarm of NWBAS shirts on display in the centre of Preston.