Jamie Holman Studios - British Textiles Biennial 2019

The Problem: Pull together and visually present 12 months of sprawling research, collaboration, development, production and huge physical pieces of artwork in a tidy package for Jamie Holman’s ‘artist in residence’ exhibition for the British Textiles Biennial 2019.

The Solution: Meticulously researched and collaboratively produced, Jamie’s work travelled a long and winding journey before culminating in his residency exhibition. Rather than printed paraphernalia which simply echoed the exhibition space, we decided to present something that aimed to document that journey. I designed and produced a custom folder, which contained a selection of images and essays that documented the process of his work. The essays were presented on different coloured stock while each image card would feature a band of this same colour; the different colours denoting a different phase or piece of Jamie’s work. For the presentation folder we used a natural textured card and had a custom rubber stamp made of the Three Hares motif; hand stamping the 500 folders to communicate the traditional, handmade craft involved in producing Jamie’s work.


Weight Bearer - Watch The Collapse Album Artwork


Seagulls Paint - Crowdfunder Merch